The Arab Thought Foundation Launches Its 10th Annual Arab Report On Cultural Development In Dubai

Under the patronage and presence of the Her Excellency Noura Al Kaabi, UAE Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development, the Arab Thought Foundation launched the 10th Annual Arab Report on Cultural Development. At a special ceremony held at the Grand Hyatt Dubai, the report, titled Innovation or Extinction? Scientific Research in the Arab World: Realities, Challenges and Perspectives, was presented in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al Faisal, President of the Arab Thought Foundation.

The event was attended by: His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al Faisal, President of the Arab Thought Foundation, His Royal Highness Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Al Faisal, Chairman of the Arab Thought Foundation; Dr. Henri Al Awit, Director General of the Arab Thought Foundation; His Excellency Nabih Shuqum, Minister of Culture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; His Excellency Mohamed Ali Alhakim, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), Dr. Farouk El-Baz, Director of the Center for Remote Sensing and Research Professor at the Departments of Archaeology and Electrical & Computer Engineering, the Arab Thought Foundation’s Board of Directors and Board of Trustees; as well as numerous high-caliber intellectuals, academics, scientists and diplomats.

The launch of the 10th Annual Arab Report on Cultural Development was opened with a speech by H.R.H. Prince Khalid Al Faisal, during which he thanked the United Arab Emirates and Dubai for hosting the FIKR16 Conference and for their support in nurturing the development of culture and thought in the Arab world. His Royal Highness noted that the UAE has become an example for young countries in the region by continually setting new benchmarks for advancement, prosperity and knowledge. His Royal Highness also thanked Her Excellency Noura Al Kaabi, UAE Minister of Culture and Knowledge Development for her attendance and support.

In his speech, His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al Faisal said: “The Arab Thought Foundation has now published 10 consecutive Arab Reports on Cultural Development, despite the Arab world witnessing wars, conflicts and political differences resulting in economic, social and cultural crises that coincided with environmental challenges such as desertification, declining forest areas, water scarcity and pollution.”

“The tenth report objectively and comprehensively reviews each of these subjects, with a focus this year on scientific research, technological developments and innovation, in addition to their roles in supporting comprehensive sustainable development. Such efforts stand as a reflection of our faith in knowledge, science and culture when it comes to alleviating the bitterness of our reality,” continued H.R.H. Prince Khalid Al Faisal.

His Royal Highness then added: “The study of scientific research, technological advancement, and innovation – and their relationship to comprehensive and sustainable development – is a requirement for the creation of modern development strategies. In today’s world, relationships have naturally been formed between knowledge generation and investment on one hand, and economic growth on the other; where information technology occupies a central and key position.”

“In today’s world, economic growth is no longer the sole method by which quality of life and living standards can be raised. Knowledge in general, and scientific and technological advancement in particular, are now the key elements that drive such efforts. A knowledge-based society generates, disseminates, and invests in knowledge to support the well-being of its people and nations.

His Royal Highness also added: “The report significantly contributes to a scientific base of knowledge, data and accurate statistics in various scientific fields, through its monitoring of scientific research and development in Arab countries. The report also provide invaluable comparisons of past performance as well as highlighting the performance of other regional countries. As such, the report serves as an indispensable first step towards developing concrete recommendations that will allow planners, researchers and decision makers to put an end to our crises.”

“As the systems of science and technology become an organic part of a society’s cultural fabric, the report urges us to take heed of future research strategies and to allocate methods to finance them—it acts as if it has sounded an alarm—an alarm that warns us of missing the opportunity to catch up to the ongoing fourth knowledge revolution. Today, we face one of two scenarios: either we face poverty, unemployment, migrations, political tensions and societal unrest or through the adoption and advancement of scientific research, technology and innovation, we set ourselves free of our current crises and emerge as sustainable and developed nations.”

In conclusion, His Royal Highness Prince Khalid Al Faisal thanked everyone involved with the development of the report including: the advisory committee, thought leaders, experts, academics, specialists from within the Arab Thought Foundation as well as external contributors. His Royal Highness also expressed his belief that the report would prove to be exceptionally beneficial and useful for Arab researchers, decision makers, and readers – in accordance with the Arab Thought Foundation’s mission to support the Arab world in achieving its sustainable development goals.


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