Frequent Travellers Browse Instagram 28 Days Each Month, Says Expert

The advent of Instagram and advanced technology has changed the traveller’s journey from inspiration through to booking, according to a social media expert speaking on Arabian Travel Market’s Global Stage.

Those travelling no longer rely on guidebooks or travel catalogues with out-of-date information, or even paper maps to navigate their latest holiday destination. Instead, travellers now have real-time access to various social media platforms such as Instagram.

With more than 500 million users sharing an average of 95 million photos and videos per day, travel plans are continuously being made, shared and made again on Instagram.

Today’s frequent travelers browse Instagram 28 days out of every month, searching for new ideas and new holiday destinations.

During a seminar session entitled ‘Inspiring the Explorers – Destination Instagram’ at Arabian Travel Market today (Monday 23rd April), the unique opportunities Instagram’s visual nature has given to travel lovers around the world was explored.


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